1 on 1 Private Training

$300.00 / month

One on one in-depth training focused on exactly what you need to improve your game. This will be training specifically created to increase your individual skills. The one on one attention to details that you need!
Ages: All Ages
Duration: Once Per Week – 45 Minutes per class – 1 Month
Students: 1
Price : 75$ per week – 300$ per month


1 on 1 Private Training

Learning Goals:

  • Students will learn to develop attitudes that led to success on the basketball court
  • Students will learn dedication and hard work
  • Students will learn that perfect practice makes perfect
  • Students will learn how to make better decisions through discussion time
  • Students will learn how to express their opinions and communicate
  • Overall students will increase their fundamental skills

Class Description:

1 on 1 Private Training will be a course tailored specifically to your basketball game to help improve your individual skillset. It will entail live basketball training along with engaging and discussion time.

*NOTE Schedule and times are very flexible. If you would like twice per week or for more than 4 weeks – Please send me a private message to book a spot.

This will be an athlete-centered skill development course. This course will focus on basketball fundamentals, mentor-ship, and work ethic to nurture and assist athletes to achieve their full potential. This course will teach athletes from all levels whether their a beginner, intermediate, or advanced. It will be very engaging and students are asked (if they want) to write in what aspects of their basketball game they want to improve before starting the course.

These sessions will have live basketball training along with a small discussion time to talk about what we want to work on and learn more about the game of basketball. Each class we will end with a challenging basketball situational question about what would be the correct decision to make within a certain circumstance. This will allow the athlete to critically think and learn what are the correct decisions to make in basketball.

Here are two examples of a critical thinking question that can be asked at the end of class:

  • When playing defense what part of the body do you want to look at of the offensive player or do we look at the ball?
  • What 3 things can you do in the triple threat position?

Each Class Structure:

The Intro and Warm-Up Phase:

– Helps players avoid injuries and get ready mentally for the workout.

The Workout Phase

– The focus lies on training particular aspects of our basketball skills.

The Cool Down and Discussion Phase

– Gives learners an opportunity to wind down after training and the opportunity to have an open learning discussion.

*A lesson plan will be created for the athlete which will include the skills that we need to improve and skills we can continue to build upon. Each student will have their own personal lesson plan created to complement their specific needs*

Week 1 – Goal Setting

This session will be an evaluation to get to know the athlete’s strengths and weaknesses along with what their goals are with this course. This course is designed around the athlete to achieve their goals and to get what they want out of this course. Athletes will be put through various drills that we discussed together along with anything we spoke about prior to class. We will talk about the position you play and how you can be more effective in the role. We will set goals, we will evaluate how long it takes us to do a certain drill or how many times we can do something within an allotted time limit. It will be live one on one training along with our discussion towards the end.

Week 2 – The Focus of the Training Session:

Technique and strategy: This includes drills for ball handling, shooting and layups, dribbling, and fakes or passing. New and difficult coordination exercises or mentally challenging exercises should be included in the first part of the workout. Here the players are still at their full performance and concentration ability.

Athletic training: This includes agility, mobility, strength training, stability, speed, jumping power, and conditioning.

Psychological training: It is very important to work on building team spirit. A good workout plan should also include targeted exercises for this.

Week 3 – Continue to Build

For example, if your child is a guard we may work on:

How to read the Pick and Roll:

Coming off of ball screens is very important in the game of basketball
Learn the fundamentals of passing the basketball:
Different passing drills to incorporate bounce pass, chest pass, and overhead pass

Conditioning Drills:

Varies fun/challenging fitness exercises inclusive to basketball which will increase cardio and endurance.


Fundamental drills to increase students’ core strength, balance, and speed.

It will be live one on one training along with our discussion towards the end.

Week 4 – Evaluations

This week it is time to analyze our progress, everything that we have worked on the prior 3 weeks we will put to the test.
For example: How many times can the athlete do a dribble move within a minute from week 1 vs week 4. This class will be an overall conclusion of everything we worked on through the course. At the end the student will get a chance to talk about what they have learn and how they feel they improved.

Personally, I find one-on-one conversations with the athletes to always be beneficial. Showing a real interest in their strengths and weaknesses is invaluable when it comes to training players. We will have one on one conversations each session. I strongly believe to always present athletes with new challenges. This creates new stimuli and goals. Scientific studies have shown that repetitive and monotonous training is one of the killers of motivation. The sessions will all be unique and fun and keep the student engaged.

Here are some of the skills that we will focus on in our 4 weeks of training:

Basketball IQ:

We will discuss how to read the game and understand the game of basketball. Using open discussions and challenging in-game basketball scenarios.

Ball handling drills:

Learn to dribble with the left and right hands equally. Advance dribble combinations such as the speed dribble, crossover, protect-the-ball dribble, and back-up dribble. Small exciting challenges that will increase and encourage these skills. NCAA Division 1 WSU (Wichita State University) Cone series.

Hand-Eye Coordination:

Dribble with eye close challenge. Practice counting while dribble which will engage students’ focus level.

Defensive/Offensive Footwork:

Post moves:
Right Hook and Left Hook
Shooting: Follow through and technique


Amazing footwork drills to improve a low defensive stance and to learn how to attack the basket offensively. Teaching triple threat positioning, pivoting on their left and right foot without traveling, jump stops, and square to the basket as soon as they catch the ball in a triple threat position.

How to read the Pick and Roll:

Coming off of ball screens is very important in the game of basketball

Learn the fundamentals of passing the basketball:

Different passing drills to incorporate bounce pass, chest pass, and overhead pass

Conditioning Drills:

Varies fun/challenging fitness exercises inclusive to basketball which will increase cardio and endurance.


Fundamental drills to increase students’ core strength, balance, and speed.

*If you have access to a basketball net we can do Shooting drills*

Select Package

Package 1: 1 month with Coach Ashton –Four 1 hour Sessions, Package 2: (2 month with Coach Ashton) -Eight 1 hour Sessions, Package 3: (3 months with Coach Ashton) Twelve 1 hour Sessions


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